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Window Films gives added safety, makes over your look, protects furniture, and more!


There are many reasons to consider window tinting for your home or office. When it comes to window films, Grand Rapids residents and business owners know they can trust West Michigan Glass Coatings to do a first-class job.

Here are our top eight reasons to recommend window films for Grand Rapids homes or businesses:

  1. Energy efficiency. Our high quality window tints not only look great, but they cut the heat coming through windows so you don’t have to pay as much for air conditioning.
  2. Beat the heat. Window films deflect the heat from the sun. Cutting out this penetrating heat makes an immediate difference that you can feel – especially during a Northern Michigan summer. There are window films Grand Rapids customers can choose to make living and working indoors more bearable!
  3. Sun sense. UV rays travel through glass and can cause skin cancer. If you block the harmful UV rays – window films block 99% – you reduce exposure and minimize risk.
  4. Privacy. Installing window film gives you control over others seeing inside, no matter what time of day. You can attain maximum privacy without using blinds or curtains, letting you benefit from an unobstructed view and optimal daylight.
  5. Softened natural light. Window tinting helps to greatly reduce glare, especially important in office settings. No more squinting at your computer screen! Reducing glare provides a much more comfortable ambience inside, and it’s better for everyone’s eyesight as well.
  6. Protect your furniture and artwork from fading. In a relatively short time, strong natural lighting can fade furniture fabrics, curtains and blinds, and may significantly degrade artwork and other valuable possessions. Rather than living with ruined furnishings or absorbing the cost of replacement, you can save more in the long run with a small investment in window films.
  7. Safety and security. Window films are more than cosmetic. They actually protect glass from shattering and hold broken glass together, important safety and security considerations in the event of a natural disaster, accidents, or vandalism. Some window films make it very slow and difficult to break and enter through a window.
  8. They look great. When window films are professionally applied, it looks like specialty glass has been installed. If you are looking for an inexpensive upgrade and facelift for your home or building, consider the look and countless benefits of window films.


Are you ready to benefit from the comfort, cost efficiency, and safety that 3M Glass Films offer homes and businesses?

Contact the highly skilled team at West Michigan Glass Coatings to learn more about their efficient installation of window films in Grand Rapids, Muskegon, Kalamazoo, Holland, and elsewhere in West Michigan.